Our Wilderness - June 2009

One of our atv trails through the woods after a heavy rain:

A creek running through our woods:

Our old driveway through the woods leading to the house:

Zelda our wolf, and Dutchess the german shepherd in the background:

another picture of the creek:

wild black berries growing in the woods - not ready yet:

wild grapes growing:

a huge "cut" in our woods - the electric company came through and made a clearing for electric poles. The road you see is our old driveway:

A piece of the paint ball trail: the guys built forts and trenches to hide out in:

our natural pond filled with minnows and lilly pads. No creek runs to this pond, it is filled from rain water and a natural spring under it. In late summers sometimes it dries up.

in the back ground you can see our "new" driveway with a bridge. We plan to build a river going under the bridge and connecting to this pond. We want to be able to fill the pond with fish that we can grow and eat :)

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